Takže tohle stanování nemělo chybu!výžně!Tolik srandy sem si už dlouho neužila,že Beji :D same swijaky...Každopádně musíme zopaknout :) a tady jsou fotky :-*
Njn...stan nešlo postavit :D
já zamyšlená ( o čem asi přemýšlím???) :D
jůůů krasna fotečka...Ja s Bejatkou :-*
Bejisek ve stanu
čwachtaní v mini bazénku
asi se mi nalila voda do nosa :D
Bejka a její fenečka Kesinka
Já (ta fotka je husta) :) bejka me fotila
Jenda a Beja
Já po ranu na extra posteli v 4****hoteli :D
Njn.. :)
Beja křičela: Néééé nefot mě!!Se převlikam!!!
Juj po ranu..A vedle me Bejka ve spacaku schovana :D lol
Ja a Palo ( fara na mym mobilu ) :D
Jáááj to bylo srandy v te SMSce ze sme se malem pochcali smichy
já,palo (ve svijaku) a kousicek janka
''Cožééé?Si děláš srandu!!!'' njn sem telefonovala
Palo a Jenda
ja a rucnik :D
Palo,Jenda,já a Bea
Free Music
Přehled komentářů
Sexual relationship is really a pleasurable cooperation relationship with one?s partner. If anything goes wrong with this give and take process, it really is enough to derail the partnership. But whatever could happen and that is unpredictable. Moreover, able to keep a proper sexual relationship means keeping oneself physically healthy. So virtually any sexual disfunction must be given utmost care. One such hazard to health is erectile dysfunction commonly present in men. Unable to keep a proper and prolonged penile erection brings about erection dysfunction. This is infact a serious problem for maintaining a normal sexual relationship. So when there arises such a problem it?s smart to treat it in lieu of sitting quiet.
The choice involving the various available treatment methods involve treatment with a proper medicine. Response to a verbal agent including Levitra can be quite effective on this context. Studies show that male impotence is mainly due to insufficient flow of blood for the penis? veins and lack of stimulation too. Practising oral therapy of Levitra increases the rate of blood flow that gradually stimulates the penis producing a hard erection, adequate with an intercourse.
Levitra is one such drug that is found to be very effective. Clinically it has been proved that it even creates patients that suffer from various health issues like blood pressure, high-cholesterol or diabetes. A lot of men, who took Levitra initially, responded positively for gaining high recovery rate. Besides, many experts have also found that it can be also taken with medicines employed to treat other health conditions.
hh :-)
(bejouch, 30. 12. 2007 20:35)
Miri nieboj gupio zes nima.... Tako smola z tym lyzakym ze??? Ah jo aspon ze syncy majom radosc ze nejadymy...
(maja, 29. 12. 2007 10:22)Ee gupio zes nima,si faaajna kamoska :* mtmr! a tyn Palo..on mo taki vlosy no :D taki faajnee ...hh :) lol
(miri, 28. 12. 2007 22:31)tak to je asi fakt tyn Palo lool:D fakt vypado jak dzieucha, ze bych vas Beji albo Maji niepoznala to se niemoze stac, tak gupio zech ete nima, aspon doufom!!!!:D
(bejuliik, 13. 12. 2007 15:32)Miri to je asi fakt Palo! Leda gdybys na jaksi niepoznala mnie albo Maje!
(majisek, 13. 10. 2007 15:26)Cus miriiinks.. eh holka z jasieeem? na ktere fotce? :D to je asi Palo.. on ma vlasy jak janek :D myslis toho nebo koho?
(bejka, 7. 8. 2007 17:03)tak svijak to fakt byl, a naščynsci eszcze beje!!! a bedom fotecki!!! no ikdyz nas tam beje teda fakt moc(teda malo) ale svijak beje!!! ja jesli tu kuknie ece kdosi viyncyj tak jo tez mom stranki!!! www.bejatka.estranky.cz
(goshka, 25. 7. 2007 12:11)
tak to teda musiol byc swijak.szkoda,zech nimogla.mno...marne,mozne insyzm razym.inacyj to tu mosz sqele,a ty komentki ku foteškom....upa supeeer.paa:-)
Levitra Helps To Keep A Sexual Relation Alive
(KevinPeema, 18. 9. 2018 13:36)